
Who is who?

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the Chair, the Vice Chair and up to 9 further members elected by the General Assembly for a two year term of office. 

The Working Groups do the “heavy lifting” in the association. They are organized around different themes (WG page). 

  • Ken Clark

    Ken Clark


    Product Marketing Director
    GENA EC Member
  • Bengt Nilsson

    Bengt Nilsson

    GENA Chair
    Community Profile
  • William Drakos

    William Drakos


    Managing Director
    GENA Invoice Finance WG Chair
  • Michel Gilis

    Michel Gilis

    AdValvas Europe

    AdValvas Europe by Axway
    GENA Interoperability WG Chair
    Community Profile
  • Ahti Allikas

    Ahti Allikas


    Head of Partners and Networks
    GENA EC Member
  • Henrik Möller

    Henrik Möller

    B2BRouter Global S.L.

    Nordic Business Manager
    GENA EC Member
    Community Profile
  • Christiaan van der Valk

    Christiaan van der Valk


    VP Strategy and Regulatory
    GENA Vice Chair
  • Heikki Malkamäki

    Heikki Malkamäki

    Visma Solutions

    Development Leader
    GENA EC Member
  • Claire Boillee

    Claire Boillee


    E-Business Presales Director
    GENA EC Member
  • Ruud van Hilten

    Ruud van Hilten


    Director, e-Invoicing Compliance
    GENA Public Policy & Compliance WG Chair


The Secretariat runs the daily operations of the association

Regional Chapters

GENA creates strong links with national/regional e-invoicing service provider communities through Local and Regional Chapters.

  • Richard Luthardt

    Richard Luthardt

    VeR (E-Invoice Alliance Germany)

    Vice Chairman of the Board
    German Chapter (VeR) Liaison Agent
    Community Profile
  • Enrico Liverani

    Enrico Liverani

    Digital Technologies Società Benefit Srl

    Key Account & Consulting Director
    Italian Chapter Chair
  • Alex Pavel

    Alex Pavel


    Managing Director MEAA
    Middle East Chapter Chair
  • Flemming Christensen

    Flemming Christensen


    Product Manager
    Nordics Chapter Chair

Industry Partner Organizations

GENA holds close relationships with these organsiations.

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