Membership Criteria
1. Full Members
Full members hold the privilege of voting on all organizational and financial matters, embodying a pivotal role in steering GENA’s direction. Representatives of Full Members are eligible to apply for esteemed positions within the Executive Committee and can take on leadership roles in Working Groups.
2. Associate Members (Non-voting)
Associate Members encompass organizations that either do not meet the criteria for Full Membership or choose not to assume such membership status despite eligibility. This category includes a diverse array of entities such as IT and business solution providers, network operators, and other significant contributors to the evolution of e-invoicing and e-business services, including relevant associations.
3. Chapter Members (with voting rights at Chapter level)
Chapter Members are organizations, whether already member of GENA or not, that express a keen interest in participating in local or regional Chapters to engage in discussions pertinent to localized or regional topics.
What does it cost to join GENA as a member?
The joining and membersip fees for 2024 are set as follows:
FULL and ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: The one-time joining fee is €1000. The yearly membership fee is €2,900 for FULL members and €1,800 for Associate members.
The one-time joining fee is waived for VeR members (German Chapter) wishing to join GENA as a Full member.
The yearly fee for joining as a Chaper Member is set to €390 for the first year.
In case you comply with these membership criteria you may wish to apply for membership.
The 2023 Statutes and Internal Rules can be found here. To apply fill out and submit this online application form: